Tuesday, October 29, 2013

MY GIF of Plant Growth

I got the idea of plant growth from American Lit class since the class is learning about Nature.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

  1. Describe the process when creating your name design project. How was the process helpful or not so helpful for you?
 I thought that the process was a bit difficult because I didn't know what I wanted to do. When we had to do the small for designs, I don't think I did a very good job because they didn't help me in the other parts of the process. I think the homework where we had to post our inspiration help me figure out what I wanted me name design to look like and what colors I wanted to use.
  1. How does your name design represent you? What components did you use to visually tell the viewer about yourself? (Composition, font style, images, symbols, colors, etc) 
Although fall isn't make favorite season I did pick orange because of the season. I wanted my name design to represent ALEX has being my preferred name rather then Alexandria. So I had ALEX in a straight line to make it stand out while the 'andria' were spaced out letters falling down. the letters were representing fall and how the leaves start to fall.
  1. How did you create a focal point or emphasis in your design?
 My focal point is the first letter 'a' that is the beginning of the fall because it is the first change in the design. Also the black line that show the letter is falling helps with making the 'a' the focal point.
  1. What was the most difficult part of this project for you? Why?
 One of the most difficult parts of the project was trying to make my letter fall. I did not know how to make anything look like it's falling, so I and with some help with the teacher and classmate tried to think of drawing the letters a different way to make them fall.   
  1. Are you satisfied with your project?   Explain your answer.
 YES, I am very satisfied because I was feeling a be stressed since I very close to the deadline and I had not even started on my final drawing. I'm also happy that I was able to create the falling motion in my letters. 
  1. If you can change anything about your design, what would you change or do differently?
 I think if I had more time I would have played around with different colors more.