Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Summary of Swim team/club

        The Swim Team is made up of diligent and hardworking members, who dedicate themselves to practice and attending meets. The Team also competes with different schools, sometimes up to twice a week. Although the Swim Team only accepts students who are committed to attending the practices and meets there is a club in which anyone who just wants to learn how to swim, or just swim for fun can join. The atmosphere of the club is light and encouraging for anyone and if a student wants to join the Team they must show that they are have the time to devote themselves to swimming.

Sunday, November 17, 2013



This Type falls under Slab Serif. It was used in a magazine. I do find this to be appropriate because of the other words on the page are different types, so it make the brand of the magazine stand out.

https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=14365c2a47&view=att&th=14267769fb88846a&attid=0.1&disp=inline&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P-hrBch8Amj9CFFntGH9Iz7&sadet=1384715343044&sads=eDuUx6ol9QwzFp9JpCjrWX4jeE4This type falls under Modern. this type was found in a water brand and it is the name of the kind of brand of water. I do think its appropriate because the think lines kind of match up to the mountain on top of the letters, so it's easy to read along.
https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=14365c2a47&view=att&th=142677dd49cbbe0c&attid=0.1&disp=inline&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P-hrBch8Amj9CFFntGH9Iz7&sadet=1384716020516&sads=kbZeR6Lv5bFdmWGDdh1JH_i_H_0This is Script and it was found in as a book title. this book is appropriate because the book is for writers. so having script type makes sense.
https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=14365c2a47&view=att&th=142677dd49cbbe0c&attid=0.3&disp=inline&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P-hrBch8Amj9CFFntGH9Iz7&sadet=1384715829393&sads=rLKy4riX-Z6lkQHiB0CM5_gryZU This is Sans Serif and it was also found as a book title. I think its appropriate because it make the book to look easy to read sense the title word type is without Serif.
This is Oldstyle. the type it appropriate because is make the "WORDS" stand out more on the page.
This is Decorative and it was found outside of a tattoo shop and it appropriate because the design inside of the letters are going to draw potential costumers inside of the shop.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Letter to Symbol Reflection

While using Gimp, what was most frustrating aspect of the program and/or project? (Ex. Gimp Tools, translating sketch to design, creating transitional layers, etc.)
             While working with Gimp on of the hardest parts of using the program was using the Gimp tools because sometimes if you use one of the tools and try to switch to another it would delete your layer design. Also making the smooth transitions was difficult I couldn't master using the copy and paste of the previous layer, so I would have to start from the very beginning in each layer.  It was frustrating because one layer could have taken an entire period so I would have more work for the next class.

After completing the project, which Gimp tools do you feel most confident in using? Explain why.
   I tool that I found to be more useful and I definitely got better at using was the tool that would make the curves. Since I was making an ear I needed the curves, so at the beginning it was confusing but I did get better at using it after Ms. Lee demonstrated different techniques we can use to make circular shapes.
Which Gimp Tool do you wish you were better at using?   Explain why.
A Gimp tool that I want to get better at using is the one where you can make shapes because I think it would have help me more in making my ear then just relying on the single tool.

What would you like to create with Gimp next?
What I would create next is using Gimp to make a small story with just a symbol.