Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Top 13 memorable moments of 2013.

  1. Taking a friend to a foreign country over the summer.
  2. Dying your hair blond even though you wanted light brown.
  3. Having passed a college course with a -A.
  4. Finishing all college applications before winter break.
  5. Finishing your personal statement in the second month of school.
  6. Getting into a college before winter break.
  7. having to study for a final the day before.
  8. Watching all three seasons of Game of Thrones.
  9. Catching up on all TV-Show during the winter break.
  10. Learning how to drive with you in-law.
  11. When you brother buys cheesecake knowing no else will eat it.
  12. Going to a Justin Timberlake concert on a school night.
  13. Finally in the last year of high school. 


  1. Congrats on getting in to the colleges and you should feel accomplished that you were able to apply to schools before the break. Also its cool that you know how to drive!

  2. I know this is our last year in MHS... Kind of sad... Haven't talks to you for a long time

  3. congrats with passing a college level course with an A-. but really, catching up on tv is not a big accomplishment.

  4. Must feel great to be a senior! It must feel rewarding to pass a college class with an A- because now you know you are ready for college.

  5. Wow, getting into college before winter break of 2013..PROUD OF YOU!

  6. doing nothing but watching tv - best day ever lol

  7. Justin Timberlake?! Isn't he amazing??!!

  8. Passing a college course with an A-, thats impressive!
