Sunday, March 16, 2014

Explain your overall concept and how the cover might attract specific viewers.
While reading the short story, some scenes would repeat, like the tossing of a crumple piece of paper into a bin. So from there I knew that crumpled paper was a symbol on the story. yet, I kept in mind that the girl in the story was struggling and there was a lot of frustration. so for my book cover I made it pretty simple of having a blank sheet of looses surrounded by crumpled paper. in hopes that attract the audience into assuming that the story would be about someone who is struggling to write something important.

What is the main focus in your design? How were you able to create this?
The main focus of my design would be the "Words" against the white sheet of paper. It makes the title pop out more. To create this I just crumpled dome paper and surrounded it against a couple sheets of paper and took a picture. then I uploaded the photo into a Google docs. and added the font on top of the image.

Does your font type, font size, and font colors relate to the short story or compliment your design?
I don't know if my font relates to the story, I picked this font because it kind of looks like a person could write this way, yet I didn't want script because I thought it would be harder to read. I centered and made the font bigger to make the title pop out more and i do think it compliments my design
How does the back cover relate to the short story?
The back cover relates more to the front cover because the color is like a person's desk. I placed a quote from the story to make the reader  more attracted to the book. 

Are there characteristics of the front cover that carry over to the back cover?
The brown background of the front cover does carry out to the back cover.

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