Thursday, February 6, 2014

5 Book Cover

                                                                 Hollow City: The Second Novel of Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children 
What drew me in on this cover was the hole in the girls body. If the book didn't have a title but just this picture I would have found this book to still be the horror genre. I also think that the font is very appropriate for the cover.
                                                                The 5th Wave (Fifth Wave Series #1)   
I really like the color yellow in this cover and how it's included in the title. Also the number '5' has a big font then the rest of the title.  I also think that the cover sets the mood that something big is about to happen in the story.

I liked the image of the bee have a needle sticking out of it. I also think that the font and color of the front brings out the cover of the book .  The aligment of the words seem to be centered.

                                                    Water Wars  
What I get from this title and the image is that there may be an issue with the lack of fresh water. I thought that the cover was interesting because there is a a lot of water coming out of the girl's eye.

                                                      Book Cover Image. Title: Rush, Author: Maya Banks   
I liked the image of just plain water on a white background. I kind of like how simple it looked and the title also looked simple. I also think that the image matches what the title is saying.

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