Monday, June 2, 2014

Reflection: HOW TO....

   One component I feel is the strongest part of my poster is the visual sequence and structure. I feel that it's very easy to follow. The visuals are clear and make sense. What really helps are the different types of lines such as the sharper lines are used to represent what is needed to be added into the blender; while the more bold lines represents to show the next step in the process.
     What I would do differently is to start out spending more time created the different steps by hand or spend a greater time becoming better at understanding Gimp. If I understood Gimp from the beginning I would have down better at cleaning up my visuals. I also would have done a better job at creating my fonts because I feel I wasn't creative.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Explain your overall concept and how the cover might attract specific viewers.
While reading the short story, some scenes would repeat, like the tossing of a crumple piece of paper into a bin. So from there I knew that crumpled paper was a symbol on the story. yet, I kept in mind that the girl in the story was struggling and there was a lot of frustration. so for my book cover I made it pretty simple of having a blank sheet of looses surrounded by crumpled paper. in hopes that attract the audience into assuming that the story would be about someone who is struggling to write something important.

What is the main focus in your design? How were you able to create this?
The main focus of my design would be the "Words" against the white sheet of paper. It makes the title pop out more. To create this I just crumpled dome paper and surrounded it against a couple sheets of paper and took a picture. then I uploaded the photo into a Google docs. and added the font on top of the image.

Does your font type, font size, and font colors relate to the short story or compliment your design?
I don't know if my font relates to the story, I picked this font because it kind of looks like a person could write this way, yet I didn't want script because I thought it would be harder to read. I centered and made the font bigger to make the title pop out more and i do think it compliments my design
How does the back cover relate to the short story?
The back cover relates more to the front cover because the color is like a person's desk. I placed a quote from the story to make the reader  more attracted to the book. 

Are there characteristics of the front cover that carry over to the back cover?
The brown background of the front cover does carry out to the back cover.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

5 Book Cover

                                                                 Hollow City: The Second Novel of Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children 
What drew me in on this cover was the hole in the girls body. If the book didn't have a title but just this picture I would have found this book to still be the horror genre. I also think that the font is very appropriate for the cover.
                                                                The 5th Wave (Fifth Wave Series #1)   
I really like the color yellow in this cover and how it's included in the title. Also the number '5' has a big font then the rest of the title.  I also think that the cover sets the mood that something big is about to happen in the story.

I liked the image of the bee have a needle sticking out of it. I also think that the font and color of the front brings out the cover of the book .  The aligment of the words seem to be centered.

                                                    Water Wars  
What I get from this title and the image is that there may be an issue with the lack of fresh water. I thought that the cover was interesting because there is a a lot of water coming out of the girl's eye.

                                                      Book Cover Image. Title: Rush, Author: Maya Banks   
I liked the image of just plain water on a white background. I kind of like how simple it looked and the title also looked simple. I also think that the image matches what the title is saying.


                                                          Invisible Man
I don't think this cover design does a good job capturing the mood of the story. The Invisible Man had more of a darker theme as the main character who is nameless comes to realize that he is just as ordinary has everyone else. Yet, I don't see that with the green marks on the cover. I also find it difficult to read the title.
I find this cover to be more effective in capturing the mood and storyline of the book. i think the darker colors help set the mood of the story and the white letters of the "i" in invisible makes the reader focus on that word and how it may be important in the book. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Draft of Millennium Student handbook

Describe your own process in creating the competition design
I started out with making a concept board of and I knew that I would want to have a phoenix to represent the school. I also created some thumbnail sketches to help me visualize what I would want on the cover. 

· How did you create your design?
I created by design through Google docs.
· What were your decisions behind the images, text, fonts, and layout choices?
I found it hard to place the phoenix feather on the page. so it took several tries to find the right placement. then I just centered alined the school name and the title of the cover.
· Did you consider the design principles, Proximity, Alignment, Repetition, and Contrast? ­­How?

 I only think I considered were the colors of the text and the aliment. I wanted the colors to be a apart of the school's colors. I also gad to think about want colors would work well on a black background.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

LOGO Reflection

  • How does your Logo design represent the after school club or activity? (Font choice, symbol, colors, layout, etc)
 My logo design represents the swim team because the team is a group of students who are serious and put a lot of effort into swimming.
  • Which process was most helpful in creating your design? (research thumbnail sketches, concept board, 2 rough drafts, digital draft on Gimp, etc.)
The most helpful part of the process was the concept board since all I had to do was look up images that related to the swim team. I think it help organized my thoughts on what items  I would want has my design.
  • What was the most challenging aspect about the logo project?
The most challenging aspect of this project was using Gimp. The project required knowing how to use different the tools effectively, which was difficult at times. 
  • Are you satisfied with your final design? Why is your logo successful?  If you not satisfied with your design, what would you like to change?
 Overall, I'm satisfied, but one thing i would change in to try to include the Millennium Phoenix symbol; since the activity is a swim team, so the team kind of has to represent the school. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Top 13 memorable moments of 2013.

  1. Taking a friend to a foreign country over the summer.
  2. Dying your hair blond even though you wanted light brown.
  3. Having passed a college course with a -A.
  4. Finishing all college applications before winter break.
  5. Finishing your personal statement in the second month of school.
  6. Getting into a college before winter break.
  7. having to study for a final the day before.
  8. Watching all three seasons of Game of Thrones.
  9. Catching up on all TV-Show during the winter break.
  10. Learning how to drive with you in-law.
  11. When you brother buys cheesecake knowing no else will eat it.
  12. Going to a Justin Timberlake concert on a school night.
  13. Finally in the last year of high school.